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A community in peril

Over the past 20 years, the number of households across Great Falls and McLean has more than tripled.  The loss of some of our most iconic rural properties and viewsheds has been accompanied by increased traffic congestion, light & noise pollution, and at times a housing oversupply.


As a result, our community has become a less desirable place to live in, reflected in property values that have remained stagnant during a decade when the nationwide housing market has appreciated significantly.

Unfortunately, things are going to get worse.

Over 1,000 acres in Great Falls and McLean still remain to be subdivided and developed, ranging from properties as small as ½ acre to farms as large as 450+ acres.  Dozens of centuries-old buildings and structures are at risk.  Over 60% of Georgetown Pike’s viewshed is vulnerable to development or redevelopment in the next ten years.  We must prevent this from happening.  With your support, we can save and restore the unique rural heritage that makes our community so special.

Our Ambitious Mission

The Georgetown Pike Rural Preservation Trust exists to preserve and restore the rural heritage of Georgetown Pike and its communities of McLean and Great Falls.  In so doing, we enhance our property values and quality of life by reducing traffic congestion, dampening suburban sprawl, and altogether restoring the bucolic rural and historical character of our communities.

Barn in Fog_edited.jpg

Courtesy of Walt Lawrence


Together with your support we can preserve our rural heritage and unique way of life 






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Join the thousands of supporters who are making a difference to save our community

The Georgetown Pike Rural Preservation Trust is a Virginia corporation in the process of applying for tax exempt (501(c)(3)) status

© 2021 The Georgetown Pike Rural Preservation Trust  |  10001 Georgetown Pike, Great Falls, Virginia 22066  |

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